Just found this mouldy oldy in my hard drive! He was done as a test for one of the now defunct card companies I worked for in the good old days when it seemed like freelancers could sell their wares! I haven't worked for a card company in over a year now, they seem to be dropping like flies. Hopefully things will pick up again in the industry (and country) soon....although I'm not holding my breath! I feel like we need a character like 'V' to put the country to rights!
Sunday, 15 April 2012
Saturday, 14 April 2012
Gothtwinz Rises.......
Hello peeps!
Well I broke my promise to keep the blog updated....blame it on a heavy work load! What have I been up to since November, the usual, work,work, more work and a dash of work just to finish things off. We've had Chrimbo and Easter and now the summer hols are a looming like a ham covered gold brick. The older I get the more time seems to be going quicker. Hopefully I'll keep adding to the blog but we've all heard that before!
Well I broke my promise to keep the blog updated....blame it on a heavy work load! What have I been up to since November, the usual, work,work, more work and a dash of work just to finish things off. We've had Chrimbo and Easter and now the summer hols are a looming like a ham covered gold brick. The older I get the more time seems to be going quicker. Hopefully I'll keep adding to the blog but we've all heard that before!
Monday, 14 November 2011
Hallo peeps!
Long time no see.....as usual been a busy bee at the studio producing god knows how many characters..think me heads gonna implode scanner style! Still doing any freelance work I can grasp onto in these hard times and of course doing my own personal work. Mrs Goth and the Gothettes are all doing well...mini Gothette is rapidly approaching one year of being on the planet...can't believe how quickly it's gone.
What else, well my latest BBC work was on Doctors but just last week, was easnt to post it up here but as per usual just didn't have the time. They showed my illos quite a bit but the story was bizarre to say the least (cool!)...best bit was the story was about a freelance comics illustrator who starts going mad and thinks the characters in his comics are real and coming after him (we've all been there at some point HA HA) but the best bit was the huge, posh house he lived in...as if, DON'T THEY KNOW WHAT FREELANCERS MAKE?!?!
Right, I've got to get back to work...hopefully I shall return soon!
Toodle Pipski One and All!
Long time no see.....as usual been a busy bee at the studio producing god knows how many characters..think me heads gonna implode scanner style! Still doing any freelance work I can grasp onto in these hard times and of course doing my own personal work. Mrs Goth and the Gothettes are all doing well...mini Gothette is rapidly approaching one year of being on the planet...can't believe how quickly it's gone.
What else, well my latest BBC work was on Doctors but just last week, was easnt to post it up here but as per usual just didn't have the time. They showed my illos quite a bit but the story was bizarre to say the least (cool!)...best bit was the story was about a freelance comics illustrator who starts going mad and thinks the characters in his comics are real and coming after him (we've all been there at some point HA HA) but the best bit was the huge, posh house he lived in...as if, DON'T THEY KNOW WHAT FREELANCERS MAKE?!?!
Right, I've got to get back to work...hopefully I shall return soon!
Toodle Pipski One and All!
Tuesday, 29 March 2011
Burning Out.....
......this is exactly how I feel right now....burnt out! Work is unreal at the moment, we're producing CD after CD, some of our triple sets have around 2000 different elements on them! On my main ranges I tend to do between 6-8 full on characters and then countless other things like papers, covers and design sheets. I think we're staring to average one of these sets every 2-3 weeks now....MENTAL! Nearly all my other jobs have had to go on hold now and I'm waiting for some sort of break just so I can catch up on myself, but I've been waiting for nearly two months solid now and I still can't se an end in sight. And to think that about nine months ago I was worried that I didn't have enough work on, now I want a gap from it all. If I don't get out there soon into the real world and see some trees and the odd lake or two I fear I mat go insane!
Saturday, 19 March 2011
Where does the time go?
Well hello there.....if there is anyone left out there! I can't believe how long it's been since I updated the old blog. My lifes been kind of mental over the past months and I think I'd need at least forty two blogs just to fill you all in.
Where to start then, firstly I can proudly announce a new Gothtwin has arrived, baby Gothtwin Evie Eowyn was born on the 3rd of December. Shes a beautiful little thing with the energy of a superhero, massive bluey, grey eyes and a very cheeky grin. We still can't decide on her hair colour though, it seems to change every day.
Work, well I now am an illustrator for one of the countries biggest crafting companies! I'll try and post some of my stuff later (hopefully not another six months mind you). My freelance work has generally slowed down to a drip now. The industry still seems to be in a state of decline like the rest of the country, I don't see me going back to it soon!
The evil company which STILL owes me money has now utterly vanished into nothingness. They went under owing out thousands of pounds to printers, suppliers and of course artists but I doubt any of us will see a penny of it now. I was sent a creditors report recently where one of the key people involved was questioned by a panel. It was amazing how much 'he didn't know' about the runnings of his own company. It seems as long as you claim no knowledge of anything, then you can do what you want and get away with it.....I must try it one day. It does seem that only the people who play dirty make anything of there lifes....take note bankers and MP's.
Where to start then, firstly I can proudly announce a new Gothtwin has arrived, baby Gothtwin Evie Eowyn was born on the 3rd of December. Shes a beautiful little thing with the energy of a superhero, massive bluey, grey eyes and a very cheeky grin. We still can't decide on her hair colour though, it seems to change every day.
Work, well I now am an illustrator for one of the countries biggest crafting companies! I'll try and post some of my stuff later (hopefully not another six months mind you). My freelance work has generally slowed down to a drip now. The industry still seems to be in a state of decline like the rest of the country, I don't see me going back to it soon!
The evil company which STILL owes me money has now utterly vanished into nothingness. They went under owing out thousands of pounds to printers, suppliers and of course artists but I doubt any of us will see a penny of it now. I was sent a creditors report recently where one of the key people involved was questioned by a panel. It was amazing how much 'he didn't know' about the runnings of his own company. It seems as long as you claim no knowledge of anything, then you can do what you want and get away with it.....I must try it one day. It does seem that only the people who play dirty make anything of there lifes....take note bankers and MP's.
Monday, 21 June 2010
New Illos!

Morning peeps. I thought I'd put up a couple of new images as I haven't uploaded anything brand new for a while now. I'm really pleased with the water on the canoe guy but I really have a soft spot for the club singer!
Thanks to everyone for all the comments from my last post......I always know that I can rely on my Army! Cheers guys!
Sunday, 6 June 2010
The Return of the Gothtwin!

Yes, I know it's been a while since my last post....I'm still fighting the system, trying my hardest to keep afloat in this maddening society we have in Blighty. It seems that the more I try to work and 'get out there' the more I get shat on! You'll all know of my ongoing battle with a now defunct publisher (and I use the word 'publisher' with bitter, blood in my mouth) well the 'hilarious' news is I was commissioned by another publisher who's done the same thing! He didn't get any finished work but I put a lot of time into his project doing mock ups and the like. The funniest bit is he knew of my bad dealings with the aforementioned company and was actually sympathetic towards me wondering how 'any professional body could treat a freelancer like that?'...then he goes and does it himself! I wouldn't really mind, but he hasn't even had the guts to get in touch with me and explain himself! Another nail in the coffin for this countries publishing industry!
I've been working on other projects so I' haven't been sat around just crying into my black coffee, heres a job I did for the BBC last year on the Doctors programme which for some reason, I forgot to upload when it was actually on air! DOH!
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